possessed by resistance
↳ Silvia Berheide, Laura Demann, Wiebke Glaw, Xue Gong, Sarah Hischemöller, Carlotta Meister, Anna Mekineli, Inga Meyer, Anna Lena Nentwig, Leon Niemeyer, Hellen Roos, Alexa Rosemann, Justin Schwirz, Susan Özlem, Runa Bartsch, Marie Küthe, Stefanie Lorenz, Bilal Mohamad, Jonas Ortmann, Antonia Teipen, Masa Tomka

The motto of the classes in Design, Media and Communication could be titled “possessed by resistance” in reference to the EMAF theme. It describes the attempt to resist the restrictions of the Corona pandemic in an experimental way. Therefore, dealing with various issues through a constructive design practice and finding detours and work arounds. Parts of the projects are inspired by the ideas of strollology (promenadology) – originally a method from architecture and urban planning with the intention to approach and investigate a question more intensively through physical experiences situationally within certain conditions and circumstances. Another approach is based on reporting – a form of narrative and representation in journalism about true-to-life, current issues from a personal point of view and direct observation. Several works will be shown in the Galerie im Fenster (showroom / window) of the Institute for Art|Art Education. Furthermore, an exhibition can be visited individually online via a telepresence robot. Bookings are possible via the website of the institute: https://www.kunstpaedagogik.uni-osnabrueck.de
- Sektion Section: Campus
- Programm Programme: University Osnabrück