Against Cultural Dispossession: Performing Bodies and Machines

with Nora Al-Badri and Lerato Shadi / moderated by Lorenzo Sandoval (in English)

What does it mean having to reclaim a people’s past? How to confront historical erasure or cultural appropriation nowadays? Which tools and languages, images and objects can tell stories that still need to be told? Two artists with different artistic practices share the virtual stage to discuss strategies against cultural dispossession. Having the marginalised body at the centre of her work, Lerato Shadi exposes the violence of the politics of structural exclusion, and emphasises the need to fight against the inaccuracy of sovereign narratives. Working with machine learning, Nora Al-Badri speculates upon how AI can perform cultural memory and assist in decolonising the cultural past. The starting point for both talks are works shown in the EMAF 2021 exhibition: Shadi’s Motlhaba Wa Re Ke Namile and Al-Badri’s Babylonian Vision.

⟼ All talks will be streamed live on the home page of the website and will be available later on our streaming page

Lorenzo Sandoval, Nora Al-Badri, Lerato Shadi