Rethinking Data Possession: Towards Machine Learning and a Precognitive Mode of Black Existence

with Ramon Amaro / moderated by Maya Indira Ganesh (in English)

Despite promises of a more responsible and equitable future, recent advances in machine learning research have - even unwittingly - widened the gap between objectivity and racial injustice. Some view machine learning in terms of data ownership or the possession of racial stereotype in negation of Black existence, whereas Ramon Amaro argues in this talk for an alternative view of race and machinic possession. His goal is to rearticulate the binaries between human/machine and race/subjection, in favour of a more affirmative notion of Black life. Amaro’s ultimate aim is to formulate a general concept of machinic reality starting from the view of self-possession towards what he claims is a mode of existence of the Black technical object.

⟼ All talks will be streamed live on the home page of the website and will be available later on our streaming page